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“What is prevention?”

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment.” This is a presentation that focuses on the definition of prevention, different types of prevention strategies and how you can support prevention efforts.  

"Deadly Leftovers”

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise in Lancaster County. This presentation talks about how prescription drugs can be the most deadly leftovers in your home and how to properly dispose of them. 

“The Blunt Truth”

This presentation gives you the “Blunt Truth” about the dangers of marijuana use. It takes a look at current legislation in South Carolina and how it could   affect our community.

“Just Plain Killers”

Just plain killers is a presentation that sheds light on the opioid epidemic and how important pain management alternatives can play a role in ending the epidemic.

“Not in Our House” (Adults only)

A systematic approach for parents and caregivers to recognized drug trends and new products on the horizon. It gives information on your role as prevention professionals in a child’s life.

“Expect the unexpected” (Adults Only)

With the drug culture changing, it may be hard to identify if your child is experimenting with alcohol and drugs. While some signs and symptoms are expected, others are not. This session will offer parents ways to talk to their kids about drug use and help recognize those signs and symptoms of abuse.

“Drop the Mic”      

Vaping is the newest epidemic among young people. This interactive presentation gives information about the dangers associated with vaping and electronic cigarettes

To request a presentation or for more information please contact our prevention director at


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